I’m curious to know if anyone thinks this is an idea worth exploring:
looking for opportunities to bid on solicitations published by government entities at state, city, or county level with MF partners (or allied communities) who can be competitive in the bidding process
A lot of government money goes into procurement related to clothing – there could be opportunity out there where an MF partner or supplier can be competitive in responding to an RFQ.
The city of Denver is a client of @irlart and we can bring a city contract to Metafactory. I currently have a small contract for 150x shirts I need for a fashion show.
That’s really cool! We should sync up sometime in Discord to discuss contract related things and seeing if there is any cross over / work we can do together to identify potential bidding opportunities and responding to them
Absolutely! I’ll love to converse more. The city of Denver is doing fashion shows over the next two years and most of them are already pre planned. I can ask for the contract for t shirts for every fashion show.