GET Protocol x MetaFactory 2.0

GET Protocol is a digital ticketing infrastructure provider. Since its inception in 2016, we have issued over 1 million tickets, all of which are registered on-chain and viewable in real-time through our NFT Ticket Explorer, providing clear ownership history for each and every ticket.

  • Abstract

GET Protocol has built a loyal community of fans/ token holders who believe in our vision. We are hoping to reward community members with merch.

  • Motivation

Metafactory’s DAO governance system is sick! We are looking to support web3 projects like this. We believe the future of work is not corporate and will come in the form of an organisation such as this. This is why we have been developing a DAO structure for ourselves - Why DAO?

  • Game Plan

If the collaboration is considered, we will gauge community interest in the merch on our discord channel. We could set up a voting system to choose which products are created. E.g mugs or t-shirts. At which point logistical aspects would be passed onto metafactory to source a manufacturer.

  • Future Possibilities - As a ticketing company we often work with established artists and event organisers. If this merchendise creation system is robust we could suggest it to partners we work with.

Any suggestions would be welcome :slight_smile: