I hear you @kiba, though I didn’t get the “play FLOC” part. Mind giving more details ?
For proposed allocation, please look closely at the milestones. You will see that Moonbase $ROBOT top-ups are lower at the start of our collaboration. This is to prove our efficiency and the creative attraction generated for Metafactory by resonating with Moonbase ecosystem.
Nothing forces Metafactory to go the ultimate miles with us yet if we actually see the multi-layered success I envision, then MF will be more than endowed with moonbase creatives unleashing both memes & designs. That’s why such final milestones allocation makes sense imho.
The value at play here is complex, entertaining multiple synergies as previously stated. Putting metrics on it feels cold and uninformative, I myself don’t make much sense of my own stats.
But since you insist I’ll give you something to chew on : for the past 3 months, my memes alone got 39k+ shares. What’s the value of this, can you tell ?
If there is one thing I am sure of, it is that when it comes to rallying DeFi cultures, Based Moonbase is the alpha meta play.
Shall we get on with it ?
NB: Based Moonbase is VC-like not Vendor-like, please read again moon.based.money if that’s unclear