Proposal: DAOFREN Term Renewal

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Lapsed: March 2023 w/ Admin Budget Expiration
Last Payment: $1,800 (30% of previous Admin budget)
New 6-Month Commitment: Quarterly KPI review for adjustments/renewal.
Amount: $3,600/mo
~16% of the 18-month zero revenue current expense burn rate budget and $30k earmarked for token buyback.
Start Date: August 2023
Retroactive April-May at $1,800/ea – No June/July, went and touched some grass.

Primary Focus Roles:
Shopify & Drops
Auxiliary Roles:
SM & Comms
Customer Service

  • Back to the basics of being the utility bot and aid in pushing existing and new projects forward.
  • Retain lead on Apesthetics, initiate new collaborative brand experiments and partnerships with orgs we vibe with.
  • A helix of the MetaFactory DNA is the curation and co-creation of products and experiences that MF Robots want to see come to life. Some focus will be put towards reviewing past and present org structure to establish easier paths for creators/contributors to collab on fresh projects and earn via revised creator economics.
  • Will also aid in the V2 $ROBOT Tokenomics shift towards time-locked token vesting standards for contributor/partner allocations to foster long-term commitments and sustainability. Plus development/rollout of new reward mechanisms for MF supporters, token holders/LPs and staking meta.
  • Micro-grant assistance for funding new initiatives.
  • SaaS/wearable development assistance as needed.
  • Commissions/Vesting: Eligible

Bull Market madness of neverending inbound shifted the MF focus heavily towards “MetaFactory as a Service DAO” facilitating apparel for projects and DAOs in the space. This got a little out of hand and took some of the fun/creativity roots out of MetaFactory’s core identity in favor of often more generic swag. Get back to the basics of co-creating fun shit we want to see and rep, supporting awesome people and ideas.

Goal: Amount reduction overtime with the development of on-chain profit share via the Web3 Checkout development + v2 $ROBOT Tokenomics – or new robot talent putting in work.

“I need a corporal. You’re it, until you’re dead or I find someone better.” -Jean Rasczak